所谓“图片的预加载”就是指:正常情况下,点击一张比较大的图片,那图片会像‘瀑布’一样慢慢载入到页面,而预加载的效果,就是点击后图片,先进行预加载 (此刻你可以设置一个简单的Loading等待样式),然后等图片加载完毕后,在一次性将图片显示出来,不会有‘瀑布状’的效果,提高用户体验。
jQuery imgpreload插件允许你预载图像之前和/或之后DOM加载。
$.fn.imgpreload.defaults = { each: null // callback invoked when each image in a group loads , all: null // callback invoked when when the entire group of images has loaded };插件使用
$('#content img').imgpreload(function(){ // this = array of dom image objects // check for success with: $(this[i]).data('loaded') // callback executes when all images are loaded }); $('#content img').imgpreload({ each: function(){ // this = dom image object // check for success with: $(this).data('loaded') // callback executes when each image loads }, all: function(){ // this = array of dom image objects // check for success with: $(this[i]).data('loaded') // callback executes when all images are loaded } });预加载图片在DOM加载,例如在文档的头部,你必须使用特定的图像路径。
$.imgpreload('/images/a.gif',function(){ // this = array of dom image objects // check for success with: $(this[i]).data('loaded') // callback }); $.imgpreload(['/images/a.gif','/images/b.gif'],function(){ // this = array of dom image objects // check for success with: $(this[i]).data('loaded') // callback executes when all images are loaded }); $.imgpreload(['/images/a.gif','/images/b.gif'],{ each: function() { // this = dom image object // check for success with: $(this).data('loaded') // callback executes on every image load }, all: function() { // this = array of dom image objects // check for success with: $(this[i]).data('loaded') // callback executes when all images are loaded } });插件下载:
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